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Frequently Asked Questions

Q.  How can I prepare for the course and what should I bring with me?

A.  Please review the Canadian Firearms Safety Course Student Handbook prior to attending the course.  Joining instructions with a link to the student handbook will be sent following registration.  The link can also be found in the Resource section of this website.  Please also bring the following:

1. Government Issued Photo ID (Passport, Driver’s License, etc.)

2. Pens 

3. Notepad / paper if you like to take notes

4. Glasses (if needed)*


*Note: If you have any eyesight issues for reading fine print, please bring reading glasses as you will need to read fine print on the base of ammunition cartridges during the practical exam.

Q.   How do I obtain a Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL)?

A.  You must take the Canadian Firearms Safety Course (CFSC) and upon successful completion, submit a PAL application to the Canadian Firearms program.  The PAL application will be provided in the course.


Q.  What is the difference between a PAL and an RPAL?

A.  In order to purchase or be in possession of a non-restricted firearm (an ordinary rifle, shotgun, or combination gun that is not restricted or prohibited), you need to apply for a Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL).  This allows you to buy and sell new or used firearms.  Before you can apply for a PAL, you must complete and pass the Canadian Firearms Safety Course.

In order to be in possession of a restricted firearm, you must complete and pass the Canadian Firearms Safety Course (CFSC) and the Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course (CRFSC). 


Restricted Firearms are:

  • A handgun which is not a prohibited firearm.

  • A firearm that is not a prohibited firearm, has a barrel less than 470 mm (18½ in.) in length, and discharges center-fire ammunition in a semi-automatic manner,.

  • A firearm that is designed or adapted to be fired when reduced to a length of less than 660mm (26 inches) by folding, telescoping or otherwise. 

  • A firearm of any kind that is prescribed by regulation to be a restricted firearm.


Q.  Can I still get a Restricted Licence?


A.  Yes, Possession and Acquisition Licences with restricted privileges can still be issued.  You can still purchase Restricted firearms except for handguns at the moment.

Q.   Can I  challenge the course or take the test in lieu of attending the course?  What if I already have firearms experience?

A.  No, there used to be a time when you could challenge the course by passing the written & practical exams.  Under new legislation Bill C-42 that passed in 2015, applicants will no longer be able to challenge the course and will have to attend the Canadian Firearms Safety Course.

Q.  I took the Canadian Firearms Safety Course a long time ago but I never applied for my PAL and I don’t have any course reports.  Can I still apply for my PAL or do I have to redo the course?


A.  If you don’t have a copy of your course report and you never submitted a PAL application, you’ll need to redo the course.  You need a copy of the course report to submit with your PAL application. 

Q.  I took the firearms course a long time ago but I never renewed my PAL.  I don’t remember my PAL number or have any records.  Do I have to retake the course?


A.  Call the Canadian Firearms Program at 1-800-731-4000 and ask them to verify.  It is likely that they still have your information on file and you can resubmit a PAL application.


Q.  How old do I have to be to take the Canadian Firearms Safety Course?


A.  You must be at least 12 years old to take the course.  Note: Exceptions may be made for young children under the age of 12 (including Aboriginal minors) who need to hunt to sustain themselves and their families.


To get a Minor's Licence, you must be between 12 and 17 years old and take the Canadian Firearms Safety Course and pass the tests (as determined in Section 7 of the Firearms Act).  Before you can get a Minor's Licence, a Firearms Officer may interview you or your parent or guardian. Your parent or guardian must first agree and consent to the conditions under which you may use firearms. When you turn 18, you will no longer be eligible for a Minor's Licence and you must apply for a Possession and Acquisition Licence.

Q.  What does a Minor's licence allow / not allow?

A Minor's Licence allows you to:

  • Borrow non-restricted firearms for approved purposes (e.g. learning about the use of firearms, organized shooting competitions, hunting, or target practice)

  • Purchase ammunition (unless there is an age restriction under provincial or territorial law)


 It does not allow:

  • Bringing firearms into Canada

  • Acquiring firearms, even as a gift

  • Possessing restricted or prohibited firearms

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